1. SEO - Search Engine Optimization: From the first, many people interested and also be mistaken or is SEO. SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization - and conduct a na optimize website for improved web ranking on the search engine. With this concept, many people do business online usually contract it is SEO website promotion. The truth is not so. SEO is just one of the basic and optional in the process of promoting a website on the search system. SEO for a website, the webmaster have to use some tools such as specific software or tools available on the Net to measure the Title, Keywords, Description, body text, H1, H2, H7 ..., Alt tags, tags, Images, The Robots, Refresh, Topic ,.... numerous and the other specifications. Principles of SEO to a website is to do everything to each site and the website run faster, less error than technical, in the light source than, less than script and in particular: No system is error search for a technical Cloaking - Technical deceive the search engine.
2. SEM - Search Engine Marketing: That is what the website managers and business online aim. SEM is a combination of all of the above, including website optimization, site registration system to search and Internet directories, place links to other websites (including the purchase link by placing the logo, banner ads) and many more jobs to help websites become more friendly to search engine ranking for keywords in the website has been improved, many websites have access count more.
3. SES - Search Engine Submission: Register on website search engine. This term is also very interested because this is a simple and quick to help a new website was created may be listed in the directory of search engine.
4. Keyword - Keywords: The words that the webmaster or site owner is important for your website. Often, each site is selected from the menu or phrase from each course. For example, sites on the tour since Vietnam travel, Vietnam tours, ... entertainment website of the words: music, movies, entertainment, music, ca sy, a color, fashion, ... is often selected as keywords. First time, the keyword is vital for a site. But now with new art from the search engine keywords is only the role of second.
Back Link 5 - Link Popularity: The common link. A website is valued at Google or Yahoo as it has many links from other websites to. However, not many have any links as well as many links completely meaningless because if you link to a website is listed in black list (black list for using technology spamming) or a website too few people visited or incorrect topics that the benefit to harm. Your site can be evaluated as "in the same boat" with other websites and such, the risk of your website rớt class is very large.
6. Ranking, PageRank: With ranking, Alexa makes the reputation for absolute accuracy and reliability. Have a website rank high Alexa ranking means the website that many people know, many people visited and it can easily be found with top position on the search system. PageRank is a tool that counts the number of Backlinks a website any. if your site has high PageRank is also means the site is visited more than ask visitors to click directly link (or banner, logo) to your website and search system also welcome you with more .
7. Search Engine: The search engine such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, ... The search engine uses a software called Robot or Spider or Bot or crawler to automatically index and index all websites on the way they "get through. Then, the information is sent to Data Center's search engine for handling, refinement, classification and put into storage. When a user needs to find an internet content, they will tag it and duties of the search engine to find the time on its list of relevant results (was indexed before). This work has been carried out completely automatically and order priorities different for each different site. Good sites, rich content (such as electronic page report, the big blog, forum members agree) will index more often. Therefore, search results are usually fresh for the big site.
8. Directory: This is a directory of internet sites like the type of gold Vietnam. The folder contains a lot of websites for each category, each of different topics. Unlike search engine - directory of internet does not work automatically but usually by the administrator update information through the registered owner of the website sent. If your website is represented in many categories, the internet ranking, PageRank and placement on the search engine is also higher.
Many small publishers simply do not have the scale and experience to pay for and manage sales people. Sure I could do direct sales myself and be limited to small endemic buys (maybe), but still on my own I don't have the reach for the big brands. Nor do I have the time to take on what is another full time and very difficult job. That's why good sales people are worth so much - selling... - Read more
Salespeople are not valued which seems crazy but its routine SOP at most corporations, large and small. This may be because of the assumption that if a salesperson had not facilitated a sale it would have somehow facilitated itself. Please.
Well you've stirred up a hornets nest with this one. Thanks to Andrew Boer who called it exactly the way it is.
The fact is that most small publishers are hobbyists, not businesses, and networks merely supplement the meager costs of running their blogs. They will always be on the discount rack. The unfortunate by-product is that they lower the perceived value of online advertising for everyone else.
Yes, a publisher must tell a unique story to bring up the value of their inventory, but until you are a leader in your vertical, and have at least a million dollars of premium ad inventory to sell, you are too small for an ad agency to buy from you, and the cost of running an experienced sales team with access to those agencies is not sustainable.
For the few that... - Read more
Bret Dangelmaier, BDIT Services (Jun 4, 12:41 PM)
David Koretz, BlueTie Inc. (Jun 4, 12:32 PM)
David Koretz, BlueTie Inc. (Jun 4, 12:29 PM)
Kate Mucci, Matrix TV News (Jun 4, 12:28 PM)
David Koretz, BlueTie Inc. (Jun 4, 12:14 PM)
eric smith, none (Jun 4, 11:47 AM)
Andrew Boer, OboeMedia (Jun 4, 11:45 AM)
Tim Rohrer, Radio One (Jun 4, 11:12 AM)
robin kent, rebel digital (Jun 4, 11:05 AM)
JD Sesto, Web Vision Italy (Jun 4, 10:32 AM)
Mark Wahlstrom, Legal Broadcast Network (Jun 4, 10:26 AM)
Carl Farley, JAZZRADIOdc.com (Jun 4, 10:19 AM)
Monica Bower, Radiant Technology (Jun 4, 10:08 AM)
Andy Horvitz, The Arts Ad Network (Jun 4, 10:02 AM)
Jon Keller, Channel M (Jun 4, 9:59 AM)
Bing just spending an hour in it or so, has some really nice UX features that make it a good step in the right direction, but not enough for me yet to abandon Google. The preview onhover state is nice, the related searches and history on the left is great and the video autoplay onhover is nice.
Will Google and I ever break up? Probably not, but I might just keep Bing as my mistress ;)
That said, catching up to Google is still a big deal. Every incremental % of search share nets millions of dollars in ad revenue. Per my column yesterday, it's going to take some drastic action for Bing to really close the gap in search share (including buying Yahoo search) but it can be done.
As for breaking the Google Habit, I posted this link in my response to your comment yesterday, but thought I'd share it again...
Breaking the Google Habit: A 12 Step Program
Nick Drew, Microsoft (Jun 4, 10:44 AM)
Brian Olson, Video Professor, Inc (Jun 4, 10:38 AM)
One other point of clarification, this project actually used layered a couple of methods on top of the observational method to better understand how people are using media. I referenced one, the "media acceleration project" in the article we published. I did not explain how the CRE project gleaned the differences between "observed" and "self-reported" estimates for TV and online video... - Read more
The Committee for Research Excellence (CRE) which commissioned this research consists of around 35 research professionals. Sure Nielsen (who pay for it all) are there, as are the broadcasters. But so are the media agencies and the advertisers, such as Unilever, P&G, Kraft, Kimberly Clark. The CRE then went outside of that group and commissioned Jim Spaeth (Sequent) and Mike Bloxham (Ball State University) to perform a rigorous ethnographic study.
And what is Terry's take on this august group and the reporting of their findings? That they are trying to "unring the Internet bell". Just once I would like to see the same rigour applied to internet audience measurement. Yes, the same internet that doesn't even have an... - Read more
Terry Heaton, Audience Research & Development (Jun 3, 5:29 PM)
We drink the Kool-Aid a bit in believing that every country and every citizen will love Twitter and Facebook as in our own.
The Chinese gov will actually imprison people for speaking out against them, they do not want people to discuss the atrocities that they committed and so far have not agreed to an open investigation of Tiananmen Square. Amnesty have a petition calling for such an investigation and please show support by signing it at http://is.gd/NRhM and you can read more about the background at http://www.amnesty.org.uk/news_details.asp?NewsID=18226.
There are a lot of issues you could rally against, none of which should be trivialized by references to rice paddies.
Brian Hayashi, ConnectMe 360 (Jun 3, 4:46 PM)
We need to search for new methodologies for both qual and quant to build stronger brands for our clients and consumers. Especially in this rapidly changing consumer marketplace.
Annie Julier, WireSpring (Jun 4, 6:31 AM)
That caused me to immediately realize that "Pray!" should be included on the list...probably at the top.
I have tried Bing. I was unimpressed. I won't return unless something drastically changes. My overall experience reminded me of Cuil.
James - fair point. I plead snarkiness.
Alexandre - I love the name. It's familiar and versatile.
Gord - no doubt the Google Habit is tough to break. You'll appreciate this 12 step program I just created (http://digitalseachange.blogspot.com/2009/06/breaking-google-habit-12-step-program.html). As for advertising not helped search engines to date, I agree. But that doesn't mean it can't for Bing. Who'd have thought that advertising for a blanket with sleeves would create such a sensation and supplant a market leader (Slanket) with a cheap imitation (Snuggie)?
Stuart - haven't seen the Bing display ads yet but amused that you Googled it rather than direct nav. I think Gord would rest his case with you.
Cheers all!
I agree with your premise, and I'd like to include tenure in the time spent. (NOTE: The following may sound a bit commercial, but it is directly relevant to the topic.)
Brand Thunder's product is a custom browser designed to give brand's a persistent connection with their online audience. We are a complete outlier when it comes to time spent because the browser's in front of the consumer the entire time they are online, and it's immersed with the brand's design, its content, messaging and functionality. The discussion around engagement can get lost.
We see a lot of interest at the click and conversion level. Focus is on the incremental traffic driven, the additional commerce delivered and the revenue effect from the online effort. It's easy to measure, easy to see the impact on the bottom line and... - Read more
Ex. http://iphone.mobileappstore.com and http://windows.mobileappstore.com
If a particular manufacturer wanted something they could set up http://samsung.mobileappstore.com
Offering it with carrier billing but multiple choice makes sense to me.
Cheers, Dean
BT by definition makes the data/behavior behind a user more important than the context and environment in which it is consumed. Newspapers were valuable because they aggregated an audience; which sustained an expensive content creation model. But BT devalues the Publisher aggregation/context -- BT doesn't care whether you are on a newspaper or MySpace.
If these are equal, the likely effect is to increase the value of the MySpace inventory and decrease the value of the newspaper inventory.
That might sound great for data companies like Microsoft, but unlikely to save newspapers, ne?
What am I missing here?
Because they have "CEO" in their title doesn't make them right. I bet they have traditional marketing bias - I mean backgrounds - and don't even look at Adwords or Analtyics reports. Ask anyone that actually does online marketing and it not rocket since.
I bet they are smart people, I would be happy to teach them how to measure and adjust online ads for better ROI in under an hour if they need my help.
An international frictionless, and secure micro-payment system that hits a tipping point, as could well happen with FB's upcoming transaction system, is major news. The effects this will have on content et. al. monetization is earth shattering.
Over 200 million people will have direct access to this currency, with very little transaction penalty. This could become the most pervasive currency in the world. Quickly.
I applaud FB for jumping into the colloquial murky pool. Entire new economies could emerge from this long overdue act of bravado.
You make some great points in your article, especially regarding the trend towards a flight to performance marketing in a down market, and how search has transformed the traditional purchase funnel into a continuous cycle with multiple points of entry.
I would add that search-driven performance marketing can be continually optimized based on behavior and response, and that with high consideration purchases, even brand marketing can be performance (or ROI) based with the right digital emphasis. Also, this trend toward a purchase cycle shifts the focus to the website and landing pages, where advertisers need to utilize tools that will help them collect and leverage the right data and manage the customer experience, in order to give each visitor a rich, tailored experience that pushes the response button.
I recently made a presentation on this same topic at the Forrester... - Read more
Only you could get away with "sassy little sidekick".
BTW Ivanka is keynoting on brand integrity at DM Days NY on the 16th.
The significant quote is: "When the media evokes an emotional response -- a rise in active attention -- then you know you have a message that had an impact."
Maybe. But you have no idea what kind of impact.
It strikes me as a little sad that David Ogilvy himself (for whom I assume the Grand Ogilvy is named) said "If I want to get a high recall score, all I have to do is put a gorilla in a jockstrap." Attention is not... - Read more
The slow adoption rate in the U.S. has been a Catch-22; marketers & retailers hesitate to use & promote the technology because the public doesn't use it, but the public doesn't use it because they've never seen it. Hopefully awareness will start to pick up momentum because the communication and marketing potential of 2D codes are really exciting. Thanks.
David Slatter Claymore Marketing